Men's Underwear - Men's Boxers, Briefs, Bikinis, Thongs, Jocks, Bodysuits, Suspensories.

Top Tips to Looking Your Best In Briefs

1. Choose a pair that covers your entire backside.
2. Wear a color that looks good with your skin tone.
For more tips, explore the archives.

Valentine's Day Underwear for Men.

Underwear for Valentine's Day doesn't have to look sexy, it doesn't even have to be red. Not to create any rivalry with the guys over at, as they have reached out to me on more than one occasion, but I am sorely disappointed in their 14 picks for Valentine's Day. Some of the picks are not even attractive, much less sexy. I would seriously doubt any motive, but the choices seemed a bit skewed towards potential advertisers. That does not mean I don't agree with some choices.

Here are Torrent's Valentine's Treats:

Cocksox. Sorry, UndiesDrawer fans, but red is a bit obvious. Black is the better choice. The image above doesn't really do them justice, but the side view is a bit graphic for this blog.

Puma Daily Cotton Stretch Boxer The red waistband is nice, but what really makes this trunk or boxer work is the tiger logo on the back, not seen in the photo above.

Artificial Flavor Magnum Brown Brief Nothing says Valentine's Day and love, like a nice chocolate brown.

C-IN2 Bamboo Mesh Slider Brief C-IN2 is taking a lot of right steps to corner the market on fashion-forward underwear for men, but they need to stay with the short leg format until their styling gets an upgrade.

D&G Dolce & Gabbana Degrade Boxer Brief with Blue Waistband Don't be fooled by the bad photo. Check the side view and you'll know why these are on the list. The price is right, as it's on sale.

Diesel Stretch Overlock Cotton New-Wilby Shorts Trunk It also comes in black and white. I've been promoting button-fly boxer briefs since October 2005, and a version of this Diesel trunk was featured then.

DT Underwear Blue Blood Low-Rise Brief Sticking with a winning formula is what DT Underwear shines at.

Papi Black Cool Jersey Gym Short Papi is really one to watch. Their underwear is top notch.

Pulse at Nuwear. Sheer. Very nice.

Unico Classic Vertice Brief Nice, sleek look says you're ready for action in these.

Go Softwear Grey/Cardinal V-Front Boxer Finally moving away from their awful, trademark waistband. Awesome move.

Steven Blue Wave Band Brief Wild is on the way in. Ginch Gonch and Aussiebum are leading the way, but that's mild in comparison to what's coming.

Andrew Christian Black Hustle Low Cut Boxer Edgy, for sure. But can you handle it?

Gregg Homme Army Tracker Brief Sleek, futuristic. Definitely a contender amongst all of the wilder patterns and retro styling abound.


  • Why aren't button fly boxer briefs more popular? I love them.

    By Blogger Jenkzero, at 3:47 PM  

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