Men's Underwear - Men's Boxers, Briefs, Bikinis, Thongs, Jocks, Bodysuits, Suspensories.

Top Tips to Looking Your Best In Briefs

1. Choose a pair that covers your entire backside.
2. Wear a color that looks good with your skin tone.
For more tips, explore the archives.

Let me see that thong

I've worn a few thongs, as you already know from the first post I made here.

I've found that there really is such a thing as a comfortable thong, and there really is such a thing as one that isn't ideal.

In talking to a female recently, a woman who wears thongs or g-strings exclusively, smaller is better. She says that the g-string is more comfortable with the minimal amount of material between the cheeks.

I think I'd have to agree. The CK body thong may be incredibly comfortable, and I can't knock it until I try it, but the photos just look like a lot of material going on back there. (

Having said that, the Magic Silk Knit G-String Pouch seems like an ideal decision. It's on sale for less than $8 and can be found at

For the men who desire a little more coverage, I couldn't believe just how perfectly the 2xist Y-back thong fit and felt. (

I can only imagine that the C-IN2 thong has a similar feel.

More on C-IN2 in the next post...and then who knows? Adam + Eve, perhaps? Stay tuned.


  • The C-IN2 thong is better and more comfortable than the 2xist Y-back thong. Now I will have to phase out the 2xist.

    Oh and BTW, Magic Silk's g-strings are very comfortable if you wear it right. Don't wear the back too high and you'll never feel it's there.

    By Blogger Nudle, at 3:44 AM  

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